You are on Team Planned if you tend to plan your outfits in advance. You plan the outfits you want to wear for the next couple of days, or the week. Maybe you put aside the outfit you want to wear the next morning. You might pull out a capsule of clothing to wear for a couple of weeks or a season. You might swap out or arrange your wardrobe so that the relevant seasonal items are centre front. Perhaps you stick to a particular theme or colour palette for a month or two. You plan what to wear to an event or occasion ahead of time. And you meticulously plan a travel capsule.

You are on Team Unplanned if you don’t do many of these things at all. You decide what to wear on the spur of the moment, or less than a day in advance. You take each morning and event as it comes, and dress according to your mood, your planned activities, and the weather.

I have a strong planning gene, but not when it comes to my daily outfits. I wake up in the morning and impulsively decide what to wear after I’ve showered. My mood, the activities of the day, and the weather dictate my day-to-day look. If I go out at night and need to change, I choose another outfit just before I leave. The only time I plan what I wear each day is when we go on a trip. I meticulously plan my travel capsules, with options to spare. I loosely plan what to wear to a wedding or event, but even then I might choose something else on the day.

I think on balance I bat for Team Unplanned. How about you? If you can’t pick a side, feel free to hang out on the bench where I’ve made tilapia red Thai curry with Asian butternut, cauliflower rice, pickled cucumbers, and chocolate cake for dessert.