Working with clients across different ages and body types has made me acutely aware of how hard it can be to maintain a positive body image. And I have found that much of the problem is unhealthy comparisons. 

  • Comparisons with other women
  • Comparisons with our younger selves
  • Comparisons with conventional standards of beauty

It’s these comparisons that often lead us down a path to becoming dissatisfied with our bodies. They create negative energy that spreads into other areas of your lives. 

I believe the solution is to focus on yourself. Your current self. It begins with having a healthy body, no matter what your size, height, or age. A healthy body makes you feel strong and energized. You learn to appreciate your body for what it is and for what it can do, which in turn makes you confident about the way you look. This creates positive energy that spreads into other areas of your life.

Also important, but secondary to health, is style. Style is neither an age nor a dress size, but an energy and confidence that is expressed through clothing, footwear and accessories. Style is as much about attitude as it is about aesthetics. And you are in control of it. The more fun you are having with your style, the more positive your body image is likely to be.

Set the stylish example by being positive about your own body AND the bodies of other women. Don’t compare and despair. Strive to be healthy and confident at any age, and inspire others to do the same.