I love the look of a lass in a fabulous hat, but you might need to persevere if you aren’t one of those people who looks naturally good in headgear. The shape of a hat alters the size of your head and face in relation to the rest of your body, which can make it tricky. It’s a question of trying on several styles to see which works. Berets, newsboys, cabbies, cloches, buckets, caps, fedoras and beanies, there’s a look for everyone if the proportions, fabrication, style and colour are spot on.

I like it best when there is hair peaking though from underneath the hat. Lasses with long hair wear hats particularly well and I think it’s because the abundance of hair adds balance, softness and interest to the look. I look awful in most hats because I have a small head and very short hair. Hats seem to overwhelm my facial features. But this does not prevent me from wearing one when it’s freezing cold. Hats, like scarves and gloves, keep you wonderfully warm. I’ll happily forego a little aesthetic for extra warmth.

I hope you’re wearing hats if you look great in headgear. They make a superb statement and can become part of your signature look. It doesn’t need to be freezing in order to wear them either. Often in Europe, people gravitate towards hats and scarves before a Winter coat.

Bow BeretFlower CapSlouchy Cabbie Plaid Cab CapWool Felt Newsboy HatWool Cloche with Patent Band

A few of my favourite hat styles: beret, knitted cap, slouchy cabbie, fitted cabbie, newsboy and cloche. Hats are such a fun accessory. If I looked good in a hat (and my hair behaved after wearing one), I’d be all over the look.