Skinny jeans are everywhere, but they are tricky to wear. Slim-framed women with rectangular, boyish bodies still look best in this lean look. However, skinny jeans seem a lot more forgiving this time around because they come in an assortment of cuts and can be worn in a variety of feminine ways. We did not have these options in the ’80’s, and this new way of wearing them makes skinnies a lot more flattering than I expected.

Before you give skinnies a miss, consider the following options:

  • Skinny jeans come in a variety of lengths and ankle widths: ankle, scrunched and extra long for length; and tapered or straight for width. You’ll be able to select the length and width that works best for your body type.
  • Matching them up with the correct shoes and tops can give you that lean line that you are striving for. Whether you wear flats/ heels, or long slim knits/ belted tunics will depend on your body type.
  • You can always pop them into your knee high boots.

Having been a teenager in the ’80’s, I vowed that I would never wear skinny jeans again – until I tried them recently and put together their updated look. I chose a darker wash with a medium rise and fairly straight cut leg as opposed to the ultra-tapered cut option. I am pleasantly surprised by how they have been working in my wardrobe. The fact that I have been able to dress my skinnies up elegantly has given me the confidence to wear them again.

Skinny jeans are still not for everyone, but you might be surprised at how slimming these pants can be if you give them a chance and match them up with the correct items. When pretty pear shaped bodies like Beyoncé and Alicia Keyes wear skinnies with style – it’s time for another look.


Skinny jeans from Macy’s.