You are on Team Dressy if you prefer dressier, more formal ensembles over casual outfits with a more relaxed vibe. You jump at the chance to dress up whenever the opportunity arises.

You are on Team Casual if you are happiest and most comfortable in casual ensembles. Perhaps dressing for formal occasions is just not your thing.

Just to be clear, Team Dressy is not necessarily more stylish than Team Casual. Casual clothing can be fabulous. Think of Jennifer Aniston’s simple, yet pulled together relaxed looks. They are inspirational to those who aspire to great casual style.

I am Team Dressy. Despite my love of faded denim, even my casual outfits err on the side of dressy. I adore dressing up, wearing formal clothes and luxurious fabrications. Dressy clothing makes my heart sing! For me, daily dressing is more fun when I can wear smarter clothing, footwear and accessories. I am very comfortable in dressy attire.

Over to you. Are you Team Dressy or Team Casual? And just because it’s Thanksgiving tomorrow, JUST THIS ONCE you can bat for both Teams if you’d like. Let’s hear it.