YLF celebrates its sixteenth birthday today. WOW. Our 10th anniversary felt like quite the milestone, but here we are six years later. It feels unexpected and surreal, yet natural and normal. A lot has happened along the way. We are older, wiser, and in many ways stronger and more forgiving. YLF continues along its strong and steady path with a positive, hopeful attitude, and a unique, engaged and fabulous community.

A very big THANK YOU for the extraordinary support over the years. Your thoughtful, supportive, intelligent, insightful, witty, eloquent, and candid contributions enrich this community, make me grow as a person, and provide me with busloads of inspiration. A special shout-out to Fabbers who have supported YLF for more than a decade — some for the full sixteen years. Another special shout-out to my incredible clientele who I have the pleasure of working with in person— some for close to sixteen years too. Your loyalty is humbling and I greatly appreciate it.

Inge has been a Fabber for fourteen years, and part of the YLF team for eleven. Inge is a kind, patient, reliable, resourceful, sweet, and delightful person who is our dear friend. A big thank you to Inge for her hard work, support and friendship. I haven’t seen Inge in person since December 2019, and miss our fun times together when I visited the Netherlands. I hope we see each other more regularly in future.

My biggest thank you is to hubs Greg, who lovingly built YLF for me back in 2006 when I knew nothing about blogs, forums, and social communities. Greg’s indispensable and frequent behind-the-scenes YLF work on top of his demanding day job is incredible and very generous. I don’t know how he manages his very full plate, and I am perpetually in awe. There would be no YLF without Greg, and I am extremely grateful for his time and guidance.

And last but not least, a big thank you to co-CEOs Sam and Jo, whose incomparable companionship, loving little hearts, and playful personas are therapeutic and heart-warming. Not to mention their all-important security duties.


Here’s to spreading the word that style is not an age, size, or budget. Rather, it’s a “do-your-own-thing”, authentic, energy.  A confidence, and ease that is expressed through what we wear and how we wear it. Wishing you a safe, calm and healthy day.