“The Guardian makes the case for garment steamers: “Steaming clothing allows you to spend less time on washing and ironing, and less money on dry cleaning – but picking the right one will depend on what you need it for.” In this article, they share tips for how to buy a steamer that suits your particular needs.

Hannah Rochell of En Brogue is also a huge fan, going as far as saying that her hand steamer changed her life.

Fab Links from Our Members

The concept of “chakras” was new to kkards, and she found it interesting to learn how they are associated with colours, and what the different colours represent. She liked the monochromatic outfits and the way that Trinny played with, and layered, colours, values and texture

Olive Green directs us to this post about transitioning wardrobes into retirement. She says: “There have been several forum threads on changing bodies and tastes, this echoes the issues and solutions.”

Bijou enjoyed this article on Margot Robbie’s Barbie outfits and the dolls that inspired them.

It’s awards season in the US, and Angie so enjoys the Golden Globes! Here’s a visual rundown of the best Golden Globe dresses of all time: “I remember many of them! The ones in the ’70s and ’80s were OTT. The ’90s mild and minimal by comparison. The ’00s and beyond brought back some glamour with edge. Always fun to watch.”

Jaime enjoys listening to the “Dressed: The History of Fashion” podcast when she drives. They recently replayed an episode by the author of the book “Mend!: A Refashioning Manual and Manifesto” that was especially good. Jaime is planning to read the book too.

Mary Beth liked this article: “Three decades later, and we are all starting to understand just how much Carolyn Bessette Kennedy has remained a significant influence in fashion.”

Gaylene encourages us to read Lyn Slater’s compelling essay about why she stepped away from her social media persona as an icon of graceful and stylish aging. She adds: “Her reflections are a poignant commentary on that commonly expressed desire as she comes face-to-face with the reality of being a woman in her seventies with glimpses into a future stranger than she can even imagine.”