Outfit 6 in the series on my travel capsule for a 4 week trip

We’ve had mild, warm and occasionally hot weather here in the Netherlands, but a few days ago it shot right back down to a daytime high of 16 degrees Celsius. I was thrilled to have popped a trench coat into my travel capsule at the last minute, thanks to your encouragement. 

I wore my warmest items and felt very comfortable. White boyfriend jeans, a black and white contrast underlayer sweater, white booties, citron trench coat, turquoise bag and orange scarf. We walked for 17 kilometres that day and had a wonderful time discovering new nooks and crannies in Amsterdam.

Trench & Scarf - Side

Trench & Scarf - Full

Trench & Scarf - Close

Jumper - Close

Jumper - Full