For the first 25 years of my life I cursed my pale skin, envying dark-skinned, tanned gals who always looked healthy and fabulous in Summer clothes. In the 70’s and 80’s, living close to the beach in a tropical climate would do that to you. Back then it just wasn’t fab to be un-tanned.
So in my early twenties I lay on a few sun beds and slathered blotchy self tanning lotions on my body in an effort to look sun-kissed and fresh. I thought it would increase my style quotient.
In my late twenties everything changed. I became paranoid about what the sun and tanning beds can do your skin. I started to loath the idea of rubbing self-tanning lotion on any part of my body. My deliberate sun tanning and self tanning days came to an end.
These days I am extremely mindful about protecting my skin from the sun. I use SPF 40 on my face and hands every day. On sunny days I use it all over. I am never tanned and stay my pale, fair-skinned self all year round.
My natural skin colour is what it is and I’m relieved now that I can embrace this fact. My legs are super white, but I wear dresses and skirts all the time. Dark-skinned, tanned gals still look healthy and fabulous in Summer clothes, but I have learned to love my milky complexion.
Over to you, pale skinned lasses. Do you find the need to tan or self tan? Do you feel better with a bit of colour? Or do you leave it au natural like me.