Top handbag designers like Gucci, Longchamp, Etro and Louis Vuitton have brought back the miniature dressy backpack as the new “it” handbag. You know what that means. Give it a season and we’ll start to see the look filtering down to mainstream retail.
I remember when dressy backpacks were all the rage in the 90’s. The much coveted black nylon Prada mini backpack was copied and available everywhere. They were advertised as being “comfortable and practical”, but for me they were neither. I didn’t enjoy being strapped into the backpack and found it annoyingly inconvenient to retrieve its contents.
But horses for courses. If you enjoyed the style of a dressy backpack in the 90’s, you’re in for a treat. Watch as they filter back into fashion.
Remember these backpacks from way back when? I wonder which other 90’s trends we should expect to make a comeback.