Input from our readers and members is particularly important right now because we are approaching some important decision points. For one thing, I want to re-examine the topics we write about and make sure that we are covering the things that are most important to you. So one of the questions in the survey asks you about your favourite posts.
Another thing we’re grappling with is the role of advertising on YLF. Nothing has generated more negative feedback than the ads on the site. Sometimes because the content is offensive or distracting, and sometimes because the ads have technical issues that slow the site down. The ad networks we work with provide tools to manage this sort of thing, but they aren’t perfect. We launched the latest design of YLF with fewer ad networks and fewer ads on the site and we are thinking about ways we can reduce our dependence on ads even further.
Of course, the revenue we receive from ads helps us to keep the lights on, so we need to think about alternatives. A few questions in the survey are about gauging your interest in some of our initial ideas.
The survey is short and shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes to fill out. Responses are completely anonymous. If you aren’t a member then it is especially important that we hear from you. Please use the survey to let us know what you think.
Once again, here is the link to the survey. Thank you.