Traditional style advice frequently focused on flattering the body according to a narrow set of beauty standards. A less restrictive modern approach to fashion and style emphasizes body positivity, size diversity, and wearing clothes that boost confidence rather than just slimming, lengthening, and enhancing features.
Style is no longer about strict rules. And style advice is more about exploration than correction. Modern fashion embraces oversized fits, unconventional silhouettes, and breaking traditional rules. This leads to outfits that are more comfortable and celebratory of all body types. We also have a larger variety of silhouettes and outfit combinations at our disposal. Most of all, we feel empowered to have fun on our style journey.
Looking and feeling your best doesn’t mean looking your slimmest, tallest, and creating hourglass outfit proportions. Instead, create a set of personal figure flattering priorities that are unique to your body and sartorial preferences. These are all about YOU, and not someone else.
We are living in the most uninhibited, unprescribed, and liberated of fashion eras. More than ever before, outfit creativity and individualism are applauded. People should feel free to wear what makes them happy rather than being told what they should or shouldn’t wear. If we all looked and dressed the same, style and life would be very boring. Embrace individuality, do your own thing, and celebrate what is signature to your style.