I’ve been enjoying browsing these fashion-meets-art photo galleries on The Guardian website. Dutch artist Suzanne Jongmans creates photos that echo the old masters for which she crafts intricate costumes using recycled plastics, old blankets, and used packaging. Ukrainian artist Asya Kozina uses synthetic paper to build intricate headpieces. Last but not least, Christope Guinet, aka Monsieur Plant, combines human-made consumer goods with plants to create fantastical sculptures.

Fab Links from Our Members

Vildy loves learning more about proportions and silhouettes, and she was inspired by Alyssa Beltempo’s analysis of several runway offerings, calling out the features but also matching ideas from her own wardrobe.

She is also enjoying reading about Gwyneth Paltrow’s soft power courtroom style for her ski accident trial. 

Olive Green finds it interesting that a weight loss/diabetes treatment drug is now part of the dressing and grooming job of acting or public speaking.

Irina loved this article on fashion and age. 

Jaime says: “I once tried to explain to Angie why I have associations with denim skirts. Voila, these many years later Vogue has come along with an explainer.”

L’Abeille thought this detailed report with recommendations on fashion consumption with regards to climate equity was fascinating.

This blog post on The Vivienne Files mentions the report, and the topic is discussed further in the comments section.

LaPed directs us to this article on the “cluttercore” resurgence and accelerated nostalgia.

Diversity without all the work of actually hiring “diverse” people to model clothing. Nuancedream adds: “I guess the clarion call of supporting underrepresented communities is no longer being heard.”

Runcarla thought this blog post on quiet quitting make-up was an antidote to the heavily contoured make-up that seems to obliterate individuality.

Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, and other brands were buying clothes from a ‘sweatshop’ that paid just $1.58 an hour — in California.” Kkards says: “As someone who is willing to pay more for items made in the US, assuming that part of what I am paying for is better wages, this was disheartening to read. Yes, I know that this is not the first time this has been reported, but each time I think companies will learn, because they are getting caught and getting bad press, but it seems to be an ongoing issue.”