The saddle bag is a rectangular or square bag with rounded edges. It has a long strap so you can carry it on the shoulder like a shoulder bag, or across the body like a crossbody bag. The body of the bag rests on your hip. The large flap opening is front and centre, and is its statement feature.
The saddle bag can be large or small. Most of the styles are structured, although there are also floppier renditions. Styles can be dressy or casual, simple or ornate, and coloured or neutral. The body can be bulky, with lots of room for stuff. Or flat with room for fewer items. Straps can be leather, pleather, canvas or chain. Wider straps tend to be more comfortable, but look more casual.
Handbags are my favourite accessory, but the saddle bag does not pique my interest because I generally don’t like wearing bags on my shoulder or across my body. I find those ways to carry a bag uncomfortable on my neck and shoulders. I do have a mini tomato red crossbody bag with chain strap that I bought in Amsterdam last year, but it’s very small and lightweight, and therefore quite comfortable. One crossbody bag is enough, and I’ll continue to build onto my handbag capsule with satchels and clutches, which I find more comfortable to carry.
That said, I like the look of the saddle bag on others. It has a carefree and no-nonsense vibe about it that looks modern. As a crossbody, it’s a practical hands-free option. Great for casual wear and gals on the go. Who likes the saddle bag?