Part of me encourages you to have plenty of frocks because there’s nothing quite as feminine as the perfect dress. But dresses aren’t always the most sensible solution. Running after small children, commuting long distances by foot and rushing around on a busy day often demands a practical pair of pants, jeans or walk shorts. Wearing the right shoes with dresses is an added consideration (which might increase your preference for pants when you have finicky feet).

A wardrobe full of dresses isn’t necessary unless you love them. But it’s a good idea to have at least the following two that make you feel great and can be whipped out of your wardrobe at a moment’s notice: 

  1. Formal dress – formal occasions creep up unexpectedly and it’s frustrating to scramble about at the last minute because you have nothing to wear. You therefore need something that serves as a Little Black Dress in your closet. It doesn’t need to be black, plain or long. You’ll have filled the gap as long as the frock is dressy, flattering and versatile.
  2. Day dress – wearing a casual frock instead of jeans, pants or walk shorts on a glorious summer day always makes a lovely change. Day dresses can be worn absolutely anywhere. Don’t feel that you need an occasion to wear a dress. Make a statement with a  flirty frock whilst you work or play and watch those heads turn.

Check you wardrobe and make sure that you have at least two dresses that fit the bill. It’ll make you feel fabulous and fabulously prepared when the need arises.