I’m continuing the all important Spring 2012 theme of patterns with this poll. Previously you had to choose between the quintessential Stripe and Polka Dot. This time, we’re taking out the dots and adding in the plaid (or “checks” as I am used to calling this kind of pattern).

You are on Team Stripe if you prefer stripes to plaid. They can be any form of stripe, from subtle pinstripes and narrow low colour contrasting stripes, to wide and bold jailbird and rugby stripes. You are on Team Plaid if you prefer plaid to stripes. It can be any form of plaid, from ginghams and houndstooth, to Glen plaids (also known as the Prince of Wales check), tartan and Madras. Note that plaid used to mean something very specific, but these days people use it for almost any checked pattern and I’m doing that here.

Although I adore crisp pinstripes and jailbird stripes, I like plaid even more. I guess I like squares and blocks! I’ve always loved houndstooth, gingham and tartan in both neutral and bright colours. I also enjoy wearing Glen plaid trousers. I am on Team Plaid.

Over to you. Are you on Team Plaid or Team Stripe? Tell us why and no batting for both teams.