Pandemic was an awful experience for multiple reasons. It also brought a lot of change to many parts of our lives. On a grand scale of things, wardrobe/clothes changes are not at all important but still…
Pre-pandemic I was an avid reader and sometimes a participant of the YLF forum. I didn’t post any photos. I didn’t take any photos of my outfits. All I had were photos taken on vacations, next to a landmark or something pretty. I had 5 days a week job in the business district of a big city. 80% of my wardrobe was the answer to “Can I wear it to work?” question.

I posted my first WIW in November of 2020. I missed my work clothes that was gathering dust in my closet. But more, I missed dressing with purpose. If I wanted to take a photo, I needed to put on something else than a default jeans plus black turtleneck combo. It was also something to do.
A lot changed since then. I’m back in the office but only two days. Our office now is outside the business area. Instead of suits, dress pants, blazers and heels, I see young people in the athletic clothes on my way to the office. And an occasional tourist. My age group at the office is much smaller now, a big number of people retired in the last 3 years.
Life goes on and gets busy at times as it should. My question when I consider a new item now is “Where are going to wear it?” I’m out and about and have usual reasons to wear this or that. I’m now often take photos of my outfits for my own archive.
I ask myself why do I still post WIW and I honestly, I don’t have an answer.
In the past, I asked Forum’s opinion on a potential addition but I learned that if I post the questions, it means I have doubts and should return the item. I don’t really need help to put together an outfit, as mine are very simple. Certainly, kind comments are appreciated but are they a good reason?
I’m not asking should I post photos, I need to find an answer myself. I want to ask you this - Why do you post (or don’t) your WIW?