This is a nuanced question, but my short answer would be this: Style is an art form, no less than music or painting or dance.
My long answer: Style is how you express your deepest and truest self at any given moment in time, and your entire life. It's also how you can disguise yourself when you feel vulnerable, or assume a new identity when you're bored with your surroundings. Style is a quick fix to lift your spirits, and a way to establish a framework for yourself on days when the rest of the world seems to be spinning wildly out of control.
But the best thing about style, especially post-pandemic, is there is no right or wrong answer. You can partake as much as you want. You can abstain if you're not feeling it.
For my part, I really love seeing WIW posts. I don't always have time to comment, but I find them interesting, inspiring of new ideas, or a reminder to revisit some of my past ideas.
I agree with some of the other comments that posting a WIW can feel a little vulnerable sometimes, or even a little hollow. I don't do it much anymore, although I do take photos of my outfits most days. It gives me a style timeline that I can reference, and a source of inspiration on days where I'm stuck. I can look at myself in an outfit and immediately know when I felt stellar.
Funny side note: remember when taking a photo of yourself meant paying to get film developed?