Irina, please keep posting
I get a lot from your carefully considered and deceptively simple outfits.
Finally put up a few pictures, mostly because I had questions about what is considered Ok for some occasion. Response was entirely on point.
Also post to share the joy of a good deal on good clothing. I cruise finds often. Still don’t know how to do them….
Also because it seemed fair to me, after my privacy/security concerns were in the past, to share what another person in real life looks like. I NEVER take a good photo, IMHO. Completely understand not wanting to expose oneself on the internet. Am thrilled to discover that older means do not care.
Appreciate so much you guys sharing your life and thoughts and what works for you. At whatever level you find appropriate.
Oh gosh, Brooklyn, your wardrobe choices are so beautiful and confident, if I don’t post a comment it’s because I think it’s just redundant, like commenting on Angie’s outfits. Of course they are perfect!

Irina, thanks for this thought inspiring thread. I have enjoyed reading everyone’s responses and my thoughts echo much that has already been said above. I have a hard time summarizing quickly the many reasons as to why I have posted WIW’s. I have found the feedback from everyone on this forum to be kind and helpful and I hope others benefit from what I post as well.

Sometimes I have a specific concern, about fit, proportion, line, pattern, style, color and will post a picture without mentioning that specific concern…instead I ask something else, which is also a concern, and then I wait to see if anyone notices my unidentified concern. In that way I often have learned the most.

WIW’s are a bit like exposure therapy. (Ask a shrink and get a shrink like response…. )

I have become more confident and have developed a cohesive sense of personal style that was non-existent nine years ago when I first started on this forum.

I used to post more WIWs- mostly things that were new purchases, new for my style, or for special events. And it seemed like more people posted WIWs before- so social pressure tbh.

I don't post WIWs any anymore for a lot of reasons.
1. Privacy- even though I don't show my face, I'd rather not. I trust Angie, compared to other social media, but all the new AI stuff is really dystopian to me.
2. Society- not YLF but the general trend of attention seeking/ "main character syndrome" in society these days. Once I noticed it all around me, I noticed it in myself (my past self at any rate), and didn't like it.
3. Low self esteem. I'm feeling absolutely horrible about my appearance these days between peri weight gain and having to cut my hair. Hopefully that's all temporary- but the other reasons apply regardless.
4. Lack of interest. I'm much less interested in clothes from an outfit level than from a wardrobe level. My main goal is to have the smallest wardrobe I can that still addresses all the facets of my life.
5. When I post, I feel like I have to keep rechecking. If I don't get many responses I feel bad, but if I do, it can be hard to keep up (I only use my phone unless adding Finds). It's easy to get derailed from other things I need to accomplish. I'd rather use my "voice" here to start deeper types of conversations.

I'm not anti WIW at all. I do enjoy seeing how Fabbers adapt different trends and wear different things for their activities. I just need to be sure that I don't get overly influenced, and stay authentic to my style and my wardrobe needs.

Reason 1: to communicate visually so others know what I’m talking about when I talk about style.

Reason 2: because others’ WIWs are among my favorite types of post to read/look at.

Reasons not to post: effort of taking the photo, shyness of putting myself out there.

I read the forum for a few years before joining, which meant seeing the words but not (most of) the pictures. I do like that WIWs are not the only way to interact here. Yet it was exciting to finally get to see outfit photos and it was always a bit of a surprise.

Such a great question. I'm certainly one whose participation ebbs and flows, and grateful that others are here to maintain the community when I have less time. I haven't posted photos in a while, but when I do it's because I'm unusually excited about an outfit or have tried some items that I think other forum members would find interesting. I'm nodding along with all the comments about giving back to the forum, too. I don't feel guilty when I go for long stretches (years, really) of not posting photos, but I also try to think about my interactions on the forum and how those contribute positively to the whole. When I have time to comment more frequently, I'll also seek out the posts that have gotten fewer comments, to help boost newer members or those whose styles aren't as well known on the forum.

I loved all the reasons put up by members for posting WIW's and have done it more often in past myself, too. I am now feeling a bit bad for not posting anymore that often but there is always a reason.
I scarcely posted through the COVID because we were incredibly fortunate to have never needed to shut down (I mean our business itself- and so, we were able to function close to normal ever since) and so, I didn't find it appropiate to fill the forum with my office outfits in those times when everybody had so many other things to worry about. Also my style seemed to settle somehow and felt like there isn't anything worthy to post (even with new purchases).
Still, I have to confess it was the time I started tracking my outfits (and my wardrobe) in Stylebook-and having a bigger wardrobe(and keeping things forever) have been busy with that more than I like to admit:-) but still loved and participated in the YLF blog and Forum with my comments most days especially to those whose style I find to be closer to mine or inspirational somehow.
I also think, after almost 15yrs on YLF (and other eye candies linked to fashion from the web) and at 55 I know my style and my needs well enough now to be confident in it so I never posted a K/R -- BUT it wasn't always so.

I surelly still learn each day something new here from Angie's Blog and all the wiw which I see- as I find real life modelling (and others' wise comments on it!) to be my most treasured inpiration here!
I also am overseas and don't have access to many brands you are discussing here -so I never comment NAS(other than reviews) for ex. but still loved to admire so many different and strongly inspirational true to self styles, among the sometimes fringe trends and super brands popping up in between.
Irina and OTHER FABBERS I hope you will keep posting and I now promissed myself to post some wiw's in the future again for giving my fair share (on the visuals, too!!)- to this uniquely fab and so special corner of my creative outlet on the web here.

I agree with Brooklyn and Suz that it does take time and effort to post a WIW and when you sometimes get little feedback it can feel a bit demoralizing but I certainly appreciate those who do take the time to comment.

For those who don't want to post WIWs for privacy concerns etc..I get that too. I still get a feel for your preferences through your comments just the same. Its all good.

Another thing for me with WIWs, is that compliments (though welcome of course) can feel shallow after a while, while critisisms sting.
I always look to see how the poster is feeling about the outfit. If they're happy with it, then they feel authentic, and I give a positive response. I'm not going out of my way to find flaws.

If a poster seems unsure, I look to see what about the outfit may feel inauthentic or not quite in harmony- based on what I know of the person's usual style. Usually it's nothing major to realign.

If I see K/Rs, unless the person loves it (then why post as a K/R?) I vote return. Any doubts- send it back.

This is a nuanced question, but my short answer would be this: Style is an art form, no less than music or painting or dance.

My long answer: Style is how you express your deepest and truest self at any given moment in time, and your entire life. It's also how you can disguise yourself when you feel vulnerable, or assume a new identity when you're bored with your surroundings. Style is a quick fix to lift your spirits, and a way to establish a framework for yourself on days when the rest of the world seems to be spinning wildly out of control.

But the best thing about style, especially post-pandemic, is there is no right or wrong answer. You can partake as much as you want. You can abstain if you're not feeling it.

For my part, I really love seeing WIW posts. I don't always have time to comment, but I find them interesting, inspiring of new ideas, or a reminder to revisit some of my past ideas.

I agree with some of the other comments that posting a WIW can feel a little vulnerable sometimes, or even a little hollow. I don't do it much anymore, although I do take photos of my outfits most days. It gives me a style timeline that I can reference, and a source of inspiration on days where I'm stuck. I can look at myself in an outfit and immediately know when I felt stellar.

Funny side note: remember when taking a photo of yourself meant paying to get film developed?

Such an interesting question and thread!

I don't post often because I feel like my outfits are a little bit boring TBH. I repeat a lot of outfits and none of it is particularly different or trendy. I agree also that it is a bit unnerving to put myself out there - I tend to be a shy person and don't like to stand out.

I do post because I want to participate and I feel like I "know" best the members who post pictures of themselves so I guess I want you all to "know" me in return. I also enjoy seeing others' outfits and want to return the favor. I work with all men and they could care less what I wear so it is fun to share, especially when I am feeling pretty good about an outfit.

Irina, I love your style - very inspirational!

I have not posted many full WIWs because I do not have a phone with a camera (yes very retro I know) and I cannot take head to toe pics myself on my laptop. I have no need to upgrade my tech right now but in future when I do I am sure I will post more WIWs mostly out of courtesy. I enjoy looking at others WIWs so this is a bit of a one sided relationship. So sorry! I do try and participate in other ways as you all know. Mostly though I am confident of my own assessments of my outfits.


compliments (though welcome of course) can feel shallow after a while, while critisisms sting.

I do have a bit of an issue with compliments here. Although I understand that intentions are good, I can't help but feel that not all complements are entirely sincere. I noticed that I get more honest reviews when I ask a question about one of my outfits. To something that Brooklyn mentioned, I would rather see a member not commenting at all if she doesn't like my outfit. It would be more honest. I don't take it personally, we all different and it is not possible to like everything.

Suntiger, Irina, that is interesting your impression of compliments!

For my part, I tend to reserve feedback for those requesting it ... if someone is sharing for fun, I either "say something nice or nothing at all" ... my perspective is that there is probably always something that can be improved if improvement is sought, but also that it's a very rare outfit where there is nothing to like or appreciate (even if it's not necessarily to my personal taste) As usual, there are different approaches to these things; it's always great to hear different perspectives on how things might come across to different people, so I appreciate reading your take on it!

Interesting question.l post because other people are good enough to put themselves out there and share their outfits which gives me a lot of pleasure so l think it’s only fair that l occasionally do the same.l absolutely hate having my photo taken and am self critical so would never naturally venture to put myself online but as l say if no one was brave enough to do it it wouldn’t be of as much interest to me as it is.

I’m okay with some honest critical feedback, I prefer that, rather than my post being totally overlooked by some because sometimes as a newer member you can feel overlooked. I know that not everyone is going to love everything that’s posted but I think there’s always something to appreciate in each outfit post whether its our style or not and I think its important to meet people where they’re at on the style journey.

On the compliments vs. critique question, I tend to be like Helena -- f the poster is asking for critique, I will assess with a different lens than if the poster is showing a happy day outfit or is 100% delighted with a new item, or whatever.

I love compliments (who doesn't?) but I also welcome considered critique -- I can take it or leave it. But I have the experience of living with this type of critique on a daily basis in my work as a writer. So I am probably unusually inured to it. It's not that it doesn't sting, at times (much, much more so for my work than for my outfits!) But I can learn from it (sometimes, LOL.) I also learn that some people are more likely to post a negative comment when in a bad mood -- and that's about them, not about the original poster.

As they say, fashion fades but style is nurtured! Mine has been growing thanks to all those generous posts.

I'm very grateful to all fabbers who take the time to share their WIW and the results of their experiments

(success or failures, as I learn from both!). It is so helpful to learn about proportions (which I always get it wrong), discover interesting colour combinations, motivates me to try different things and challenges my own perception of style.

Just as a few examples, I discovered a new jewellery brand thanks to your WIW, learnt about colour dying thanks to Brooklyn, fell in love with the colour camel thanks to Suntiger, tested my colour palette thanks to Helena and sharpened my critical eye thanks to Suz. These are few examples but I could carry on with every single WIW, not to mention Angie's posts that are a source of infinite knowledge!

Personally, it is challenging to post a WIW as I lack confidence, my environment is quite restricted in terms of light and space and lastly privacy is a major concern given the most recent AI developments, which is the reason why I post with a smiley on my face. Confidence is not my forte, but I am working towards more WIW posts and slowly slowly I'll get there!

I don't post a ton of WIWs, partly because of limited time and partly because I don't have a great setup for outfit photos so I struggle to capture pictures that accurately convey the colors and proportions of what I'm wearing.

When I do post outfit pics it is often with some larger pattern or observation in mind -- an outfit lab exploring different ways to wear a new piece, different versions of an outfit formula I'm playing with, a single outfit that exemplifies some things I've been thinking about (or doesn't, and I can't put my finger on why not), and so on. The process of articulating that larger pattern often helps me understand it better (yes, I'm a writer who gains insight by writing). And I guess I like to think those musings, and the visual illustration of them, might be useful food for thought for others.

Similarly what I tend to look for in others' outfit photos is a bigger picture -- whether it's how Brooklyn is exploring a seasonal theme or how Runcarla is finding an unexpected new way to wear an older piece. That bigger picture doesn't necessarily have to be spelled out by the poster however and aside from all that analysis it can be nice to just see what other folks around the world are wearing.

I enjoy and take something from WIW posts even though I don't always manage to leave a comment (again reasons of time...or maybe not feeling like I have much to add that hasn't already been said).

"I’m not asking should I post photos, I need to find an answer myself. I want to ask you this - Why do you post (or don’t) your WIW?"

I used to post a few photos way back in the day,...I've been here on and off for more than 15 years, sometimes off for a long time tho. They were linked to a blog I had...remember those?? Before iphones too! I used a little digital camera. I never posted my head, just the body and clothes. I wasn't so much looking for critique or compliments, just sharing inspiration and joy. That was then...and now? I don't honestly even know how to post photos here. I never did, that's why I linked to the blog. I don't use my phone for the forum, and my photos, including ones of what I wore (usually sent to my sister), are taken on my phone. And my iphone is old...a 7! so the photos are not great.

I respond occasionally to a WIW thread with an encouraging word. But I agree, it needs to be genuine. Sometimes the outfits are not to my taste, so I don't say anything. But also, sometimes I love it, and I also don't say anything. I tend to participate more in the style questions, theory, experiences kind of threads.

I also agree that it is generous of people...and post WIW's. It can provide so much learning and inspiration too.

All right, thank you all who answered my question. Some conclusions on my part:

I’m not super convinced Angie benefits from our WIW more than from our responses on her daily blog.
I do see a point of posting WIW as a curtesy to others that do. It doesn’t not require to post as often as I used to.

Helena, I rather dislike this “say something nice or nothing at all”
I find that people often feel they obligated to say something nice even if they don’t like it or indifferent.

I don’t equate fashion with trends. I appreciate style but it is only one part of it. History, craft, textiles, shows, collections - it is all fashion. Reading and participating in discussion is as important to me as to see WIW.

There are so many good points here about why we post a WIW. I can relate to most of them. These days I wear very casual clothes and I don't post those outfits. I spend most days walking my dog and doing things around the house. My outfits are not very exciting.
Some of the reasons I post a WIW are:
1/ I have a question about the outfit or a piece. I am not always sure about the size or how to wear something.
2/ It shows the rest of the forum what my style is. My wardrobe is in a good place, thanks to Angie and the forum members. When I joined YLF, I envisioned how I wanted to dress, but kept buying clothes that didn't work.
3/ I like the interaction with the other forum members. The WIWs add to that interaction. I understand if someone doesn't feel comfortable with pictures on the internet.

I am always interested in how others put their outfits together. There are so many different styles here. I may not always comment, but that is because of my difficulties being on the computer for long periods. I have chronic migraines that have been awful the last year.

Okay, I'm late here, but had to chime in. This is a really great question with lots of interesting responses! When I first joined YLF (over 13 years ago! kind of hard to believe) I posted a lot of WIWs and always commented on everyone else's WIWs. Over time, I drifted away from participating on the forum, but then during Covid (and the isolation it brought) I found myself wanting to engage again, so I started participating more. I posted a big batch of WIWs last winter, with the intention of continuing to post, but then life intervened with a series of terrible events, and now it's September :).

To your question of why: My reasons echo lots of the comments already shared. I really like seeing others' WIWs, and so it seems only fair to post my own (that spirit of exchange and generosity people have mentioned); no one in my real life cares much about style and fashion, so I enjoy sharing with people here who do care; seeing others' WIWs helps me to "know" them and their style, and likewise, I feel like posting my WIWs helps people "know" me, so in that sense it facilitates a greater sense of community, at least from my POV. I admit I have a much harder time distinguishing between posters who never post their WIWs, vs. those who do. The visual is very powerful, at least to me.

Agreeing with many others who talk about the sense of vulnerability--I feel it too! It's hard to put yourself out there! Brooklyn, I am 99% sure that no one hates you! But I know what you mean about people who never respond--it can feel personal, but my sense is it's more about them than you. Irina, personally I love your WIWs because it seems like you favor oversized clothing, and that is a preference I share, plus one that isn't as well-represented here as other stylistic preferences (e.g., more tailored or fitted or conventionally flattering shapes and silhouettes). So I love seeing what you're up to!

If you want to know a huge portion of my thoughts, see what kkards posted way, way, way up thread.

I really enjoy others’ WIWs but may not comment due to my time and/or energy when I view it. My apologies for any hurt feelings, and please don’t take it personally. I am more apt to comment, however, if a person is asking for advice.

I am most apt to post a WIW if it links to an Angie formula or if I have created a challenge for myself. I don’t seek validation so I was completely shocked when folks said they liked my socks with dresses. I will post a photo if I am asking for advice but have learned that K/Rs can be biased toward Keeps, lol.

I am learning a lot from this thread Irina. As to the question of responding with something nice or nothing at all, I try to respond to most posts in the spirit of positivity. It is practice in empathy for me. Clearly the person posting likes their outfit (unless they explicitly say they don't). I know my way of dressing is pretty out there and not everyone's or even most people's taste, but people tend to respond kindly when I post and I appreciate it. I try to return the favor by understanding where the poster is coming from and meeting them there.

I relate to a lot of comments in this excellent thread. I don’t often think to take a picture and post it, and a lot of days my outfit just doesn’t really warrant sharing, LOL.

But sometimes I just want to share because it’s something I enjoyed wearing, features a new item, or is for a special occasion. Sometimes it’s almost like “felt cute, might delete later” haha. I do really like seeing others’ WIWs and figure it’s nice to contribute to the give and take.

I will sometimes post a new item in a K/R type of post for feedback if I am unsure — sometimes extra pairs of eyes help! Sometimes just taking the photos gives me my answer and I never bother posting. But my WIWs are not generally looking for feedback in the form of criticism. If I’m posting it, I’m probably happy in it unless I say otherwise, and overwhelmingly the forum participants are kind enough to reserve criticism for when it’s actually requested.

I do very much agree that seeing what other members wear helps envision them better and helps us understand each others style and goals in a way that words just do not. It’s a visual art and I crave the visuals!

I love fashion and like many of you, I don’t have a lot of people in my immediate environment who do.

I enjoy seeing other people’s WIWs, because I know they are posted by people who think about fashion and style. We all have different tastes, but it seems to me that the primary thing we have in common on this forum is a thoughtful approach to the creative aesthetic of dressing. The secondary thing is that for the most part that we are nice people who want to lift others up (bar the occasional narcissist or troll).

I post my WIWs to share what’s making me happy or as a way of supporting the forum overall. When I ask for advice, I genuinely want it. The feedback here is usually helpful, though I do find that sometimes it is a bit too nice and not practical enough. (A recent post I made to ask about black tie was tremendously useful. The actual result WIW will follow on the weekend.)

I offered this comment in response to this question eight years ago:

We've had lots of discussions over the years as to how different members can contribute to the forum and the general consensus has always been for everyone to do what feels comfortable as long as Angie's guidelines are followed; the YLF umbrella is big enough to hold all of us, as long as we are respectful and considerate of each other.

Personally, the WIW aspect of the forum has always been the least interesting to me; I stick around because of the lively problem-solving discussions and analyses--exactly the areas that some of the other ladies find boring. It's this kind of diversity that makes YLF such a unique fashion site.

I joined YLF in 2010 because I was filled with admiration for what Angie and Greg had created—a safe place on the Internet for a person of any gender, age, nationality, or any.other descriptor to hang out talking about fashion plus a host of other topics which are part of our lives. It’s the support we find within this community which makes YLF so unique.

I’ve never posted a WIW picture and doubt that I ever will, but I’d like to think that, over the years, I’ve contributed in other ways.

Jaime, that is so well said! I agree that I wouldn’t make a critical comment if the poster is obviously happy with their outfit. If it’s a K/R or the poster has indicated that they want help, that’s different. I think it is possible to make constructive suggestions on a WIW that are not criticisms. Eg “you might try that outfit with white boots”. Angie (of course) said that to me once. That’s not negative, she’s just trying to engage with me and open my eyes to other styling possibilities (which I can choose to try, or not). It’s nice and it’s another reason to post. Of course, I can’t always make suggestions like that myself. And I also run out time and of things to say! Sometimes I just say “thanks for sharing”. I hope that the poster understands that I intend that as a genuine expression of appreciation of the effort of posting.

I really like Jaime's point! I understand why the forum's norms of positivity can seem saccharine or suspect/phony, but I am thinking about how that spirit of positivity also prompts me to stretch my aesthetic eye/brain -- an outfit may not be my style, but I can appreciate what the poster is aiming at and how the aesthetic functions, and that increases my understanding of style in general. (So, I'm saying that the gentle pressure to say something nice is actually a gift *to me.*)

It is a unique special community that is hard to explain to friends and family.... I agree Gaylene.

A bit off topic but I could imagine Brooklyn, Irina, Bijou and Angie might all have the same dress (maybe in olive). Brooklyn might style with chunky flat brown sandals, Bijou with chunky white boots, Irina with refined dark loafers or flats and Angie with refined white loafers - and if I was in that stylish company I would probably wear sneakers or tan sandals.