I'm intrigued by a theme that has emerged in LJP's thread about forever pieces. I hope it is ok that I'm piggybacking here. If not please let me know.

In that thread, LJP says:
"I have always liked looking current and aware, but I think as I get older and my world changes, I am less interested in what's trending and more interested in dressing in a way that projects "me". When I sit and people watch, it's the younger women who are dressing in the linen sets, super-chunky shoes , whatever the current look is........and that's fine. They can have at it."

And Roxana says:
"I also think that assuming for a timeless wardrobe is hard if you want to look current - and this is becoming more important to me as I get older. (A 20 year old wearing ‘timeless’ pieces looks young; me, at 46, in all timeless pieces can look staid and older.) you have taught me that, actually - your important injection of modern style through jewelry and shoes is a lesson I have taken too."

I don't think these are necessarily contradictory stances; perhaps they are just a difference of emphasis. But I'm interested in the tension between them.

(And I definitely don't mean to call out LJP or Roxana here in any way! -- They're just articulating some ideas that have been floating around in my head in some inchoate way as I contemplate the completion of my 50th trip around the sun later this year.)

On the one hand I can see how an obsession with the latest trends could seem increasingly...desperate? as a person ages. (Not in all cases of course, but it does take a certain sort to pull it off.) On the other hand I think it was really common among women (and men for that matter) of my grandparents' generation to get sort of sartorially stuck sometime in the 1960s and never evolve their look further for the subsequent 30-40 years. Which isn't exactly what I aspire to either (but feels like a bit of a risk for me since what I really like are certain "traditional" things like cable knits and fair isle).

Anyway, over to you all. How do you think about the balance between staying current and being true to your style? How has the importance of currency vs. your own individual style changed as you've gotten older?