• Shot in natural (grey, ironically) light + flash
  • Uploaded large photos so enlarge at your own risk

YLF and real-life support has gotten me this far, so as always a big thanks. And if you hate it, I've heard that too.

[If a horrified emotie can be considered speech....]

I realized when people were talking about hair covering an open-backed dress that my latest cut wasn't up. I think I'm now Shevia's hair twin, right?

Not yet DONE with the growout (about 2 inches left on ends) but getting there. Turns out my 40% grey is mostly in my front chunks; from there it goes to highlights, and the back is pretty much all dark still.

Trying not to calculate time/money/chemical damage 20+ years of dying equals. The irony is that now that it's nearly grown in I like the drama of the silver more than at least the last 10 years of "enhanced."

Bonus WIW shot showing flared jeans at the only angle lighting would permit!