This is the seventh time I’m choosing a word and colour for the year. The tradition started with my lovely friend and YLF member Laura, who has done this for decades. She invited me to do the same in 2019 and I haven’t looked back. Thanks, Laura! I love our tradition, and have encouraged close friends to join your word and colour party. 

Choose a word to keep top of mind for the year. Take it to heart, and act on it. It can be motivating, therapeutic, satisfying, and challenging. Personally, I find it a worthwhile exercise because my word helps me learn and grow as a person. It helps me to break bad habits, and keeps me focussed on small and big picture goals.

The colour I choose can be one I’m liking more at the moment, or a colour I want represented more strongly in my life this year. It can come through in my outfits, our home, our setting, and in the natural beauty that surrounds us.

Onto a word and colour for 2025:

Word: Progress

I’m focussing on PROGRESS, and more specifically, how I can facilitate the progress of things going on in my life. The progress and completion of our loft remodel is all important after living in a rental for almost a year. A very close friend had an extremely tough year fighting cancer and enduring treatment. Her progress to a full recovery is top priority. The progress and completion of some work projects are high on the to-do list. I’d like my relationships with certain people to progress and blossom to the next level. That means making the time to see old friends more frequently, and getting to know new friends better. I’d like to see some family members going through stressful situations make progress on those fronts too.

Colour: Orange

Bright orange, and specifically Dutch orange, is a colour that I love to wear and see around me. I like orange in nature, and in home decor. I like orange scented things, and love the flavour of oranges in food. I have a fair bit of orange in my wardrobe (shown in the collection below) and there is room for more. I find bright orange versatile, empowering, and uplifting. I like wearing orange with neutrals like navy, denim, cream, white, toffee, and chocolate brown. I also like wearing orange with tomato red, burgundy, and shocking pink.

Over to you. Join us in choosing a word and colour for the year. Share them in the comments section when you have a moment. I’m looking forward to hearing them.