I’ve been having lots of fun perusing the archives of Messy Nessy Chic. Paris-based Vanessa Grall writes about everything from food to art and design, and today I’m sharing four of her articles on fashion in pop music:

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Alyssa Beltempo gives great advice on how to fix clothes that aren’t “working” for you. Psst… there’s nothing wrong with your body. Nuancedream had to chuckle when Alyssa talks about ironing/steaming clothes as therapeutic because she enjoys doing it too!

For those in the US who prefer to shop in brick-and-mortar stores, Star thought this could be of interest. She adds: “Michelle had an extensive career in fashion and I do value her opinions.”

How to Start an Edgy Classic Wardrobe Using Contrasting Style Types.” Carol likes the breeziness Emily Wheatley evokes with these clothes.

Jaime doubts low-slung baggy pants with a visible boxer waistband will become mainstream, but you never know!

Adina’s “Rooms for Living” post really resonated with Mary Beth: “It occurs to me that this entire article could be applied to my closet.”

“You don’t necessarily have to spend a lot of money all at once to create a beautiful space; you just need time. A good part of the beauty of many of those interiors I admired was derived from the fact that they were collected and curated — perfected, if you will — over many years.”