Last week, I stumbled upon the “You Be the Judge” series, in which Guardian readers are asked to chime in on domestic arguments sent in to the newspaper. Here are a few style-related ones, the comments range from funny to down-to-earth and thought-provoking:

Fab Links from Our Members

Suntiger loved this round-up of fun vintage fashion finds.

Carol and Vildy enthusiastically applauded this reel detailing “4 ugly things women over 40 should stop wearing immediately.”

L’Abeille found this list of potential resources for outfit inspiration far more thought-provoking than looking at Pinterest boards or street style. She adds: “It reminds me of how really creative YLF forum members like Brooklyn describe their inspirations.”

The French Open tennis tournament just ended this past Sunday. Nuancedream says: “The woman for whom the second show court is named, Suzanne Lenglen, had an enormous influence on fashion, on and off the court.”

Roberta really enjoyed this very sweet narrative about matching bridesmaid dresses: “I’ve worn a couple of boring or unflattering bridesmaids dresses in my time, and when I got married I asked my best friend to wear blue, and that was the end of it.”

UmmLila thinks it’s interesting that a number of millennials and Gen Zers are embracing dressing for ‘their seasons’.