Clutch handbags continue to be extremely on trend, both for at night AND during the day. Remember that clutch handbags needn’t be impractical if you choose one with a shoulder strap, wristlet or top handle. Here’s a rundown of nine clutch handbags that pack a punch across a variety of price points. Be sure to look at all the colour options.
- Pour la Victoire Nouveau Clutch: The strap folds away so you have the option of wearing it like a proper clutch handbag. Great colours, all of which work year round. That’s right! Pastel blue is trending for Fall 2013.
- Studded Envelope Clutch: This is a large clutch so consider yourself warned. It has both a wristlet and a shoulder strap so the best of three worlds.
- Kate Spade New York Radio Samira Clutch: Quirky, arty and fun. Very structured and beautifully made.
- Sondra Roberts Resin Clutch: Resin clutches have a retro flavour. Match them with sci-fi footwear for a fab juxtaposition. This one comes both in solids and a pattern.
- Urban Expressions Perforated Clutch: Add a little sporty spice to your style with this little darling.
- Alexander Wang Dumbo Leather Clutch: I’ve had my eye on this one for six months because the bottom handle appeals to me, as does the simplicity and colour. I’m deciding whether I want to add a citron or light blue clutch to my wardrobe at this point.
- Danielle Nicole Parker Clutch: Classically sporty and colourful. Also available in black and white.
- Diane von Furstenberg Lips Mini Metallic Leather Clutch: How about a kissing clutch just for fun.
- Valentino Lacca Bow Clutch: I couldn’t resist ending off the list with an ultra expensive signature Valentino that is a timeless work of art. Check out the style in all its colours, but I vote neutral or red.
I am a complete clutch convert because they provide a modern, minimal simplicity. I wear my satchels just as often though, because sometimes I need a little more room.