This week had marked 100 years of the International Woman's Day and in this space it only made sense to mark it by wearing the outfits inspired by YLF women. And while I like Mother’s Day, I am happy there is the Day which does not limit celebrating women based on a very specific role only some have, whether by their choice or not, but is concerning all women for their role in society in general.

Being inspired simply means I got the idea to build my own outfit around, it is not necessarily my replica of the other outfit. I still have a way to go before I start shamelessly copying you, but it's one journey I am very much looking forward to. And, I do admit, I was a slowcoach when it comes to actually getting the inspiration directly from your WIWs. “What do these women mean by “I’ll copy this” or “This is my take on so-and-so’s outfit” I pondered.
Ah well, we live and learn.

I remain, however, mostly inspired by your personalities, intelligence, life experiences you so willingly share and virtual, but very tangible sense of unity and friendship which is probably one of the main reasons why this community works as well as it does. Everyone has space and room to develop, be herself and be accepted for it, and what's so amazing and refreshing compared to any other site I used to frequent, nobody comes across as some sort of clever clogs. And I love that here it’s safe to talk about shoes and bags only, because we are all know there’s more to us than just that, so we don’t have to justify that very love for shoes and bags. They do not define us, but help us express ourselves – and YLF helps shape up an important aspect of the need for being creative and loving ourselves the best possible way.