Yellow coloured clothes do not live in my wardrobe. I don’t like what yellow makes my skin look like.

But Yellow Bag lives in my wardrobe. I love what it makes me feel like. Every time I look at it I feel cheerful and happy, which is exactly why I bought it two years ago ago during one particularly grey and dull winter. And I kept this bag on my desk at work then, not tucked away in the drawer or cupboard, so I can look at my winter indoor sun. It really had magical effect on me and everybody commented on it as well.

I chose the bag today as the main thing to build the Golden Delicious outfit around. Golden Delicious used to be one of my favourite apple sorts, but I only like it while it’s still slightly greenish and not fully ripe and too sweet as it looses its crispness then. And I favour those fruits that have a bit of blush on

The outfit is very similar to Granny Smith one, but the striped top is slightly different, the accent is on black colour rather than white. And AJ if you’re reading, your beady eye will spot dainty - golden - jewellry this time too.

Thanks for reading and I wish everyone a lovely rest of the weekend.


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