No way this series could go without >red< something

When I was a little girl growing up in a small town where seasonal fruit and vegetables were bought at the local markets, even without looking on the calendar there was one telling sign the winter was coming - the apples. Red delicious apples. Every autumn at the exact same place near the entrance to the market the stall would appear and behind it were crates and crates of apples. As time went by there would be less of those crates and eventually the men who was selling them would go, his work there finished for the season and he’d be back a year later.

My dad would buy a crate of those apples and our family would enjoy them throughout the winter. Those were by far the best Red Delicious apples ever, I’m now guessing because they were picked at the right time and grew localy. I rarely come across such tasty ones again, but I do remember discovering a great load at one shop while I was pregnant and I’d drive there twice a week to stock up - I did not have crazy cravings during pregnancy, but I ate apples and hummus (not together though ;-)) like there was no tomorrow.

The outfit...

I love this top. It’s one of those that are most useful for photographing, but not so much for wearing. Short sleeves and turtleneck sound like a wardrobe oxymoron because if it’s so cold that you need a turtleneck, then short sleeves alone won’t cut it and one needs topper which consequently bombs the entire short sleeve concept - or, if it’s warm enough for the short sleeves then turtleneck is surplus, don’t you think? Still, I managed to collect a few of these over time and hang on to them as I like to pull them out on those finger-of-one-hand number of days when they can be worn.

I’ve happily revisited column of colour which I fell for after the recent experiment. Worn last Friday afternoon, to chase furniture after Mr O’s long day at work…


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