He rode into town dusty from the trail.
He felt a sense of satisfaction at having been able to retrieve all the stolen cattle and return them to the Lazy Q ranch. His pocket had been well rewarded for the effort.
He was tired and longing for a drink.
He tied his horse to the post outside the village tavern and entered.
All of a sudden he was entranced. Like a bolt of lightening his eyes alit upon a saucy wench with dark brown hair and gold streaked dark hair.
Gypsy? he wondered.
She wore a western style shirt dress that showed an alluring strip of golden creamy skin from the hem to the top of her boots.
She had on a silly hat.
The night was looking more and more promising.
If she were mine the wayward thought entered I would buy her a real $200 hard hat Stetson and some handmade cowboy boots.
As she sidled over he asked..." What's to drink around here?"
I know just the thing she answered returning with a whiskey on the rocks.
He playfully took off her silly hat and gazed into her brown eyes...
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