Hehe, I love this. It's also PERFECT for Cantonese New Years' banquet, especially the big red flower.
I married into a cantonese family. There are still several places here that do the traditional banquet thing, although not exclusively and nobody has shark fin any more since it's illegal here (good riddance I say, although I'm sure if you know someone and shell out the big bucks you can probably still get it). Banquets are still very popular for weddings, for one thing. (We had one for our second wedding reception). But the Bay Area has always been more trendy so I guess it's all the new stuff over there...
So anyway, I am not myself cantonese. I think of Northern Chinese grandma style with gigantic pearls (like the huge mabe pearl earrings), those quilted jackets, and always for some reason really well coiffed hair.