Hi all,
Here is my version of Angie's spring tweed jacket formula. I bought these pants on a whim from a local boutique. They are very lightweight, so they are super comfy and enjoyable to wear despite a lot of fabric.  My tweed jacket is moto style and a few years old. It has bracelet sleeves and an unusual neckline, so I still enjoy wearing it. And I haven't worn it that much to begin with because well, it's off-white and I don't possess Angie's superpower of keeping white things stainless. 
This is my first turtleneck sweater in a long long time. I loved turtlenecks when I was young, but then they started to bother me, so I completely stopped buying them about 10 years ago. I was tempted by a few outfit ideas to give this one a try. It was inexpensive and very soft, but I am realizing that turtlenecks still bother me (perhaps not as much, but still), so I'm not reaching for it as much as I thought I would. It looks very preppy with tweed jackets, though, which is how I'm wearing them. (I like preppy!) I re-discovered these Old Navy sneakers in the shoe closet. I wore these pants with pointy-toe booties in the winter, but now that spring is here, I needed lighter footwear. And lo-and-behold, they were waiting for me. They match the pants well and the off-white soles bookend the jacket and my hair. 
Finally, I am showing off my signature accessories: sunglasses and red lips as well as my latest signature accessory, silver hair! 

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