Since suntiger recently mentioned a spring closet edit, I thought I would post an update on everything I have taken out of rotation so far this year. Some of these are things I've talked about getting rid of in the past, but have held onto thanks to various forms of inertia (wrong season to consign, lack of a suitable replacement, etc). Many of them are boxed up and waiting for warmer weather, since the consignment shops don't want shorts/tees/sandals yet. The really worn-out stuff needs to go to the recycling center later this week (their hours conflict with my work schedule so dropping off is a hassle). The middling items (not nice enough to consign, too nice to recycle) are going to the donation center on Wednesday, which is the only day my commute takes me in the right direction. I also included a handful of items that I'm hanging onto but which won't be part of my regular wardrobe anymore (as we were talking about on Jessikams' thread a little while ago).

What I’ve edited out in 2019 (21 items):

  • 1 pair cropped leggings (replaced with a higher-rise ankle-length pair) (2013)
  • 1 pair bootcut yoga pants (replaced with wide-leg cotton lounge pants) (2013)
  • 3 ratty merino sweaters (holes, pills, too itchy) (2015)
  • 1 oxford shirt (have other colours I reach for instead) (2014)
  • 1 pair slip-on sneakers (too tight) (2016)
  • 1 pair espadrilles (the dye has bled so they are stained) (2017)
  • 1 pair winter boots (not warm enough) (2016)
  • 1 pair flat leather sandals (stretched out) (2017)
  • 2 pairs ratty denim shorts (2014/2015)
  • 2 tank tops (do not reach for them due to cut/colour) (2016)
  • 1 t-shirt (weird oversized fit -- failed experiment) (2016)
  • 3 pairs jeans (two pairs are too big, the other is too low-rise) (2014/2015)
  • 1 pair black ankle pants (too low-rise) (2016)
  • 1 pair linen pants (discovered that I dislike black linen) (2017)
  • 1 fleece top (scratchy and pilled) (2008)

What I’ve demoted in 2019 (4 items):

  • 1 jersey dress (demoted to swim cover-up) (2015)
  • 2 graphic tees (demoted to gardening) (2014)
  • 1 pair lace-up sneakers (demoted to gardening) (2016)

Holding zone/nostalgia box (2 items):

  • My oldest bikini (2007)
  • A pink plaid shirt (2004)

Unfortunately I don't have an accurate, updated total wardrobe count, so the number of items culled is probably a bit meaningless to you all. If I count absolutely everything (gear capsules, basics, etc), I am probably up at about 200 items. So removing 21 items means roughly 10% of my closet. A lot of these items are things I couldn't get rid of until I had a replacement (the layering sweaters, lounge pants, and shoes). And others are things I anticipate replacing in the nearish future, so I don't really see removing them as having much of an impact on my overall numbers; just what's necessary for stasis.

The "demoted" items will probably only last a season or two before I retire them completely and some other old thing will take their place. Likewise, the "nostalgia" items sometimes find their way to greener pastures after spending a couple of seasons boxed up. Out of sight out of mind: they often lose their special glow and their grip on me once I've tucked them away for a while.

I've also included the purchase years for everything (which might be a bit misleading, as many of these were bought secondhand and some are even vintage). The majority of what I'm removing is 3-5 years old, with a few 2 year old items and a few much older. I should also note that I have very, very little clothing from 2013 or earlier as I spent the years 2008 - 2013 moving and traveling a lot, and I kept very little. Somehow I do still have all my books!!