DD 12: won't wear jeans, hasn't since she was about 7. She'll only wear sweatpants, leggings, Capri leggings or shorts. She does have a couple of pairs of "silky track pant" type pants I made her get to look decent. Tops are tees, and if she needs warmth a zip up hoodie. Occasionally a sweater. She refuses to wear a dress or a skirt, which was tricky at grade 6 graduation, and her grandfathers funeral this summer. She won't even wear yoga pants anymore, too much fabric. I suspect she will get more interested in clothes since she just started junior high, but honest,y I'm quite happy she isn't at all bothered with name brand stuff., as some girls her age are.
DD almost 10: pretty much wears the same thing, but she will wear a skirt or dress when needed. And is ok in yoga pants (which I prefer over leggings!). She did wear jean shorts a ton this summer, so who knows if she might be open to jeans
Sigh. Love that they are easy and inexpensive to dress, but LEGGINGS ARE NOT PANTS!