I can finally tick this item off my shopping list after 15 years!

LOOK AT THAT FIT AND COMFORT! And weatherproof! I could not have hoped for better.

I was HOT during my very fast outfit creation session yesterday in 28C - it's Summer here and glorious weather! - but I was very motivated to try these boots in three outfits I had top of mind as soon as I had a moment Couldn't bear to put on my wool coats, though - so jackets it was! Pics are blurry. Sharing anyway. Trying to show many angles of these beauties.

The dark denim dress is hubs Greg's favourite dress I have at the moment. Very '70s. Feeling glam in that dress!

Outfits speak for themselves. Neutral and non-neutral. Jo always with me.

I AM THRILLED WITH MY NEW TALL BOOTS!!! A little out of breath with excitement. xo