These could not be anymore perfect for you! I'm so happy that you found them and that you could share them with us. They're so fab for you!

The green dress outfit makes me happy! So does seeing you with Jo. The close fit of the boots makes for such a great, tailored and high-end look.

Oh wow! The boots multiply your outfit possibilities. All three combinations are gorgeous and unique. I can't tear my eyes away from the dreamy green dress outfit on you, so pretty. Floaty with just the right amount of structure.

I really understand the trill-these indeed look fab on you, no matter the outfit!!!! Love all the new dresses-the pink and tan color scheme is new to me--but, wow-looks so stunning and sooo very You!! And what a cute photobomber!:-)

There's your skirt to wear when you see Barbie...

I love those boots! The fit is wonderful. Maybe in a month or so they may make it to The Rack. I don’t even know where to find. Nordstrom store since the one at the mall closed. I love that the jackets and Jo match the boots and that they are not black. Everything I see has a heel.

(I forgot to add the FIND. There now).

Irina and Rachy, thanks!

April, I have a lot of Barbie stuff, actually. The skirt is an option

MsMaven, HAH! I’m humbled.

Suntiger and Lyn67, more love for pink. Nice! And how lovely to think of our sweet Jo

Jaime and Kyle, the green dress does have a bit of a ‘60s vibe! Maybe that’s why I was drawn to it. Jo thanks you too.

Bijou, that’s what wardrobe item excitement will do to you!

Sal, I know, right? Knee high boots that fit and are comfy are sublime for dresses is cooler weather.

Joy, I KNOW how hard knee-high boots are to fit. Hope you find your pair.

Karie, pink to match the fab pink streak in your hair!

Kelly and ChristelJ, thanks for the sweet and gracious support! The green dress is extra comfy to wear.

They are beautiful boots and look fantastic on you! I remember I got a pair of Aquatalia high stretch boots based on your NAS recommendation a few (10?) years ago and they were amazing!

Rita, how lovely to see you chime in! Thank you, and I remember your Aquatalias! I had the same pair

Usually I'm an 80s girl but the 70s vibe of that denim dress has me swooning! So fab with the new Aquatalias. I'm so happy you found a pair of boots that was worth the wait. Oh how I loved my elasticized Aquatalia riding boots -- wore them into the ground! Have a feeling yours will be an updated workhorse

Oh, I’m glad you found your boots at last! They are perfect for you. You look fantastic.

My favourite outfit is the boots with the denim dress and the taupe furry accessory! Wonderul color combination.
15 years?! Wow, Angie, you beat me. I am still looking for a capsule of super-breezy Summer dresses since the hot Summer of 2017. I have hope then.

Thanks, everyone!

Laura and Brooklyn, lots of dress and skirt options for colder weather now

Sisi, you have 9 years to go

1960s mode Angie:

" Deze laarzen are made for lopen ! Dat is wut zig gaat doen !

One-a deze days, Zij jijn gaat lopen all over jij ! "

( Much funky mod dance moves ensues )

I’m super late to this, but boy do I love the look of a great dress with tall fitted boots, and these are stellar outfits! Great find!

Cee, impressed with your bits of Dutch! Quite right. The '60, '70s and '80s are represented in these looks. My favourite fashion eras

Janet, thank you! Classics are fab for good reason.

Thank Google for all the Dutch I know, Angie

Perfect, elegant bookending for your hair, Angie. All your outfits look fab.

Thank you, The Cat! Lovely to see you chime in.

They are perfect!!! Finding tall boots to fit narrow calves is, indeed, quite a challenge.

Fabulous boots, Angie! I love all the outfits, but my favourite is the denim dress. Such a gorgeous combination.

Thank you!

Jo-Lynne! How lovely to see you chime in

Style Fan, I know you like the '70s vibe and earth tone!

Oh, wow--I'm going to use your word. Those boots are KILLER! They take every outfit to the next level. A very retro, but updated look. The only thing is, I want to see that orange and pink dress (the last), by itself.

Thanks, Carol!

Here are the components of the last outfit. Skirt, pullover, boots and jacket. Not a dress

Oh, I love that. Thanks, Angie.

Angie, these are amazing boots! It pays to be patient and hold out for something that ticks all the boxes - especially for feet that NEED comfortable footwear. Love the pup cameos especially - and the denim dress is my favorite among these great outfits. (Nice bookending of your hair color, too!)

I keep thinking about these boots. What’s the style name? I really need to find them some way some how… thanks!!!