I love everything about this post and this challenge. This summer my body isn't what I want it to be - I haven't conquered recent weight gain, and don't really like the way my clothes look on me - even the ones that fit properly. But the fact is, my body is this shape and size right now, and I have to dress it, so it hasn't caused me a whole lot of grief.
What is more difficult for me is hair. I've been wanting to update my hair, and really enjoying it shoulder length, but wanted it more interesting. My husband, though, has been asking for me to return to a pixie cut. I haven't wanted to, because I don't like the shape of my chin (and its double), and feel like a pixie highlights that perceived imperfection. It's silly, of course, but still an insecurity.
This challenge convinced me to go ahead and take the plunge. I debated so long that I ended up going to the stylist (a school) with no picture, and only a vague idea of what I wanted, just before it closed yesterday. I told the student that I wanted a pixie but wanted it to still have some length, and that I wanted her to just cut something that looked good to her.
I almost cried seeing all that hair that I worked so hard to grow out get chopped off, and with the feelings of nakedness and knowing that my chin shape would be un-hideable.
And to be honest, I'm not sure what I think of the result either - it feels shocking, looks more hard-edge than I was ready for it to look, is very assymetrical... and just will take some getting used to all over. It took me a half hour to convince myself to leave the house this morning.
But after washing it this afternoon and letting it air dry, I think it'll grow on me. Hubby wishes it was shorter on top, and I've promised that when it needs a trim (it's already scheduled in June), then I'll go shorter.
I'm feeling brave tonight, so I took pictures - no make up, and my roots desperately need touching up. But here I am, stepping out with my summer haircut. Now I feel like I need to use my clothes to add back in a little softness, so I may be revisiting my wardrobe....
Thanks for listening! (And thanks for the challenge, Angie!)
#1 - #2 The "Before" I realize you all haven't seen me for a while, but I still like this haircut (Also not a fair "before" because it includes make up and styling, which none of the "after" shots do)
#3 - Just home from the salon (I went in gardening clothes, it was so last-minute that I got up the bravery)
#4-#5 After a shower, with no styling.
Still trying to convince myself not to hide under a rock while my hair grows back, ha. On one hand, I think it's a lesson to not go to the salon without a picture. On the other hand, it's remarkably similar to the pictures on my pinterest board that I would have taken to the salon - just a little longer in the front, shorter on the short side, and a little more asymmetrical than I was expecting.
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