Many found their descriptors on the thread below:

For example, I bestowed myself, Suz and Inge the title of "Urban Prince":

"No Warrior. Lots of Refinement. Equal Parts Boyish and Ladylike. A little Romance and Preppy. No nonsense and lots of Inner Punk. Minimal. Polished. With our very short hair - we are Ladylike Princes - not Princesses. You have to have a pixie to be a Prince! We wear Docs but are not rugged. We wear hardware that is sophisticated. Our graphic and crisp styles are not Warfare. They are Urban Tension. We fight like girls - always with grace and good posture - while we outsmart the boys".

I bestowed Zap the title of Sleek Urban Princess. Gaylene is an Urban Warrior Queen. Tara is Earthy Urban Chic, while Beth Ann is a Romantic Diva.

Over to you :). We'll help you find a descriptor if you're stuck.

ETA: Urban Princes are not RATE by any stretch of the imagination. We are 100% Polished - even when we scrunch our sleeves, semi-tuck, faux tuck, sport the oversized look and wear Docs. Fit is extremely important to us. We are strict and no-nonsense with warm mushy hearts.