Hello all. I’m sorry to have been scarce the last several months (increased caregiving responsibilities = less internet free time). I’ve missed you all!

I thought I would pop in to share a new challenge I’ve set for myself. In the past I have struggled a bit with dressing for transitional weather (which for me is somewhere in the mid 60s Fahrenheit, with cool mornings and evenings). Yet I’ve also realized the past several years that Seattle actually has fairly long stretches of these conditions! Sometimes in September it’s even in the 70s, yet summer attire just feels “wrong,” so I also need to master warm fall dressing.

So, this month I’ve set myself a “no repeats” challenge similar to what I did back in January to focus a little bit of attention on this mode of dressing.

The rules:

-No exact outfit repeats of clothing worn indoors/at-home during the month of September.

-Put on at least one accessory every day.

-In contrast to my January rules I am *not* aiming to avoid wearing the same item twice in a week.

Here is the first week’s worth of outfits. (We’ve had a late-summer heat wave this week so you will in fact see some markedly summer ensembles. Part of the challenge here is to see well what really *is* the weather this time of year? And what really does feel “right” or “wrong” to wear?)

1-2: straight-leg jeans, embroidered cap-sleeve top, orchid cardi, huarache mules, green beaded necklace. This is a good “formula” to take through the month I think.

3-4: huarache mules, which I recently thrifted. I am liking the idea of mules as a transitional shoe! Experimenting with these for now, maybe in the future I will look to add a brogue or tassel loafer mule?

5: yes yes, my new huarache mules are very similar to my summer indoor shoes (also thrifted). Well, I know what I like.

6-7: navy shorts, white embroidered popover, gold sandals, turquoise necklace, Damascene bird pendant. The pendant is a recent Etsy acquisition and I’m really enjoying it, especially layered.

8: straight-leg jeans, navy 3/4 sleeve sweatshirt, huarache mules. I thrifted this sweatshirt (originally from the Gap) ages ago and still really like it — evidently it has what Derek Guy calls “emotional durability.”

9: I didn’t get it together to add an accessory to the above outfit, but realized later that I would have liked to wear these Guatemalan silver bird hoops. Uber-casual denim-based outfit + extravagantly boho accessories seems like a juxtaposition formula to remember.

10-11: black crepe pants, black tunic sweater, ivory wedge sandals, layered necklaces, hair scarf. This outfit was actually inspired by the image in #12. The outfit grew on me over the course of the day but I don’t think I’d repeat it. It’s a little more “ladylike” than I’m going for, and I think if I’m going to do a column of neutrals I really want there to be more texture variation. Learned something!

13: Khaki shorts, blue ikat-print popover, tennies, silver bird earrings. Hot day again! I would have preferred this with different footwear, maybe the huarache mules.

14: black knit tube skirt, blue tie-dye tank, silver bird pendant (forgot to get a closeup but you’ll see it again), ivory wedge sandals, white linen button-up. Something about my photo angle is distorting the proportions here — it was better in real life. Still, the top is tricky because it is quite cropped and boxy/swingy. My husband liked it, so I guess I’ll keep experimenting with it!

15: sunflower-print sundress (that you all have seen a million times, talk about emotional durability), pink tennies, pale lilac cropped cardi (not pictured). Super simple outfit because it's still hot and I was getting my hair cut.

Thanks for looking!

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