As I mentioned in my 2023 recap, I'm starting 2024 with a no-repeats challenge.

The basic idea is to go through the month of January without wearing the exact same outfit twice.

In line with my work-from-home lifestyle, "outfit" will be defined as clothing items worn indoors. No swapping out footwear or accessories and calling it a new outfit.

For bonus points:
*each day put on at least one piece of jewelry or other accessory -- again, for wearing *indoors.*
*avoid wearing the same clothing *item* more than once in a week. (This is just meant as an extra challenge to my creativity and to counteract my tendency towards bedpost dressing, which doesn't make me happy. But if I don't end up doing this perfectly, I won't sweat it too much.)

I am approaching this in a spirit of curiosity, not self-improvement. A subtle distinction but an important one I think. Which items will I end up reaching for most? Which will I reach for least? I mentioned in my 2023 recap that there are certain factors that limit the mix-and-match-ability of my wardrobe. But how mix-and-match is my wardrobe, really? How mix-and-match do I want it to be? Which pieces will be easiest and hardest to remix and why? I mentioned also that I'm embracing the idea of having a larger wardrobe. But I don't want to just accumulate willy-nilly. So I'm hoping that focusing in on how different pieces function will hone my intuition about where to expand and where not to. The outfits I wear are not likely to be groundbreaking -- again, work-from-home lifestyle. But which ones will I be happiest in? Which will feel a bit off, or maybe a past version of me? Lots of questions, and I'm just going to let them percolate over the course of the month.

It's more important to me to wear something comfortable and pleasing to me each day than it is to get a perfect score. So if I end up with bottlenecks that produce some repeats, that's data, not failure.

I intend to take an outfit photo each day and post them weekly. I might take pics in my house shoes rather than regular footwear -- when I get dressed I'm often not leaving the house right away and in the past I think this has held me back from documenting my outfits as much as I would prefer (we don't wear shoes in the house and the outside shoes are stored two floors below the rest of my clothing). But again, that's all consistent with the idea of this being about really dressing for my lifestyle.

Here is my Day 1 outfit. Mid-wash skinnies, polar bear tee (Bijou's mention of it in her comment on my 2023 recap made me want to wear it today!), medium-gray long cardi, fair isle socks. Abalone earrings and heirloom rings. Again, nothing groundbreaking, but a comfortable and practical outfit for puttering around the house and getting ready for the new year. Let's go!

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