Yesterday, I wore my new fall boots around the house, unsure about keeping them. Today, I took them back out of the box and considered them, then added them to my Halloween outfit -- my spouse laughed and said they knew from the minute they arrived that I was keeping them because I loved them so!!

The sweater is from; I found their sweaters last year & my bff took the plunge -- she reported they were shockingly good for the price. I bought one this year -- it's fully double-knit, and "fully fashioned" -- that is, the knit pieces aren't cut from a bolt, but knit as individual finished pieces and then sewn together. I agree with her -- very high quality for the price you pay. I paid $39 for this sweater and the quality would be pleasing in a sweater more than 2x the price.

Jeans are warp & weft -- I have older jeans, but the only ones I've bought in the past 18 months have been W&W, which I love.

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