Seems like a good time for a distracting style post! Sorry if this is so long!

I have never traveled in a Scandinavian country before and it was fascinating. The first thing I noticed was how unharried Copenhagen seems. (Of course this is all a general impression and not to suggest that individuals don't have their issues and challenges.) There are so few cars in the streets, so everything just seemed so calm and orderly (and clean). Everyone rides bicycles, and it seemed that everyone had a general look of health and fitness because of it.
The other thing I noticed was that the makeup was very minimal and it was very rare to see obvious botox or fillers. I didn't realize how accustomed I have become to seeing faces that have been tweaked until I saw so many that weren't. Of course, there were many more natural blondes than I am used to as well, but many women were letting their grey grow in. Overall there were so many fewer beauty salons of any kind on the streets than I am used to in either Israel or New York or Florida, where I have spent the most time.
Anyway, perhaps we have all heard about Scandi style and, to really generalize I would say, flat shoes (mostly sneakers) and a neutral palette, leaning heavily on tan and black. Very little obvious logos or street style. Tattoos were common, however.
Packing - I was glad to have my trusty Pleats Please poncho and a puffer, but could have done without the Trippen flats and rather had a more water proof pair of sneakers. Other than that I was quite minimalist (we took carry-ons only).
Onto the pictures:
1.We walked up the Rundetaarn (Round Tower), which holds exhibitions and I loved this kimono display.
2 and 3.Typical (I read) Danish open faced sandwiches at the Copenhagen food market. My favorite local food, however, was the porridge (Grod).
4.In true kismet, Bruce Springsteen was playing while we were there and DH (a huge fan) managed to get tickets for himself and two of our kids.
5. One of many coffee stops.
6. Highly recommend the canal tour, even though it started pouring on us (they passed out those orange rain covers).
7. We made a side trip to lego house (my son is a big AFOL adult fan of Lego).
8. Since we had gone that far we continued on to Aarhus. I absolutely loved the Aarhus street food stands - when I asked for a glass of red wine I was given a huge wine list !
9. Another Aarhus highlight was Den Gamle By which is a sort of outdoor recreation of Danish homes through time. Here I am standing in front of a display of hats in one home.
10 and 11. We also went to the ARoS art museum. Highly recommend Aarhus!
12. And finally I wasn't going to leave Copenhagen without checking out the thrift stores. Here I am with my partners in thrift in one of the 6 or 7 we checked out!

Honestly there is much more to say and show about our Denmark trip, but this is long enough already! Highly recommend this special country. Would love to hear corrections from the locals, and questions or comments from everyone! Thanks for looking!

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