A microscopic bag, high demand for vintage Gap clothing, the death of Jane Birkin, and other news from the July style trenches.

Fashion Quote

Over at The Guardian, several writers mourn the products they once treasured that have been cruelly discontinued. I have a feeling Adam Gabbatt’s predicament will strike a chord with many of us:

“Not to be confused with the Clarks desert boot, I’ve had the same pair of brown (beeswax, to be precise) Desert Mali boots for 11 years. They’ve been resoled three times, I’ve worn them in hurricanes, floods and snow, and when I briefly dabbled in motorcycle riding. I planned to buy a replacement pair but they stopped selling them. I’ve tried other, more expensive boots, but nothing has compared.

For the last four years, I’ve checked eBay, Poshmark and Facebook Marketplace twice a month, but have never found a pair in my size. Sometimes stores will tease me by pretending they have them, but they never actually do. I did manage to buy a used black pair off eBay but they’re just not the same. Beeswax is a classic colour for a leather boot: unfussy, untreated, ready for action and the choice of Indiana Jones, it teams easily with black, blue or grey jeans, or smart trousers, and can be worn in the office, pub or, well, the desert. My entire wardrobe is based around a single, now extinct, pair of brown boots.”