So I was very excited to accidentally happen on the Zara sale yesterday, which apparently started one day earlier than in North America (perhaps to compensate for everything closing here on Saturdays).
Anyway apart from a certain pair of white loafers that I have been stalking I tried on a number of jackets and brought one home. I know it is *extremely* similar to a certain other Zara jacket I bought last fall, but I liked it more than anything else and figured I could always return it unlike so many of my purchases.
So for your inspection:

#1 and #2 "new" Zara jacket - can be returned.
#3 and #4 "old" Zara jacket - can be consigned.
What do you think?

And for the less Zara obsessed but still interested, the sale starts today on-line and in stores. In my experience both in Israel and New York, the sale goes on for about 2 months in store, with them reducing things periodically until almost everything is gone. (Another very nice jacket that I considered but did not bring home collected below.)

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