Your style goals are excellent. It’s seems like you have put a lot of thought into them. Also, the idea of kind of “going with your gut” with an outfit and then analysis later is great, I guess that’s where the magic is. No two people will have the exact same style, and mood comes into it too I think.
I also love to thrift for the unique pieces.


I think you have already achieved no 1. If someone asked me to describe “authentic style”, I would describe you! Congratulations on the career decisions and on the blog. (Love the outfits you posted too!)

Shevia, I love your style and your approach to fashion. I also think that paying attention to how I feel about an item is essential to the success of an outfit. Ok, and your hair!! Oh, so incredibly gorgeous! I will be so happy if my natural hair ends up looking as beautiful as yours. My hair has a lot of natural wave and some curl, so when my transition to gray phase is over, I will try a cut similar to yours, in an effort to frame my face and showcase my curls.

Great post, Shevia! Congratulations on your career decisions, wish you best of luck in 2018.
You style goals for 2018 are excellent. I can especially relate to no 5. The outfits you posted are all fabulous and truly reflect your wonderful unique style. And your hair is sooo gorgeous, wow!

Thank you it is delightful getting comments by such super stylish women!
Mirjana, I am very flattered, thank you!
jussie Thank you! I find at this point in my life going with my instincts works best, but I will never stop the retrospective analysis.
Brooklyn Wow! I am tickled pink. Thank you!
Mainelady I will be super excited to see a future rendition of my haircut on you, but I have to say I love how your hair looks right now.
Katerina Thank you - I think one of the privileges of getting older is to be able to trust that my emotions are informed by a lifetime of analysis and reflection.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us; I always enjoy reading your posts, and after I finish typing , I'm off to read your blog! I'm particularly struck by the phrase "let it go". This is precisely where I get myself twisted up, hung up , and doing more damage than good. This, along with enjoying and accepting the process of choosing and rejecting for what it is, is a terrific mantra. Good luck with your new career !

Kudos to you for pursuing your passion and putting the fun back in fashion!

Awesome post!! I checked out two blog posts and loved them (Fast fashion thrifted , and about thrifted shoes).

Good luck with the new career and I am sure you will continue to look fabulous.

Shevia, that velvet jacket on you!!! Stunning. So sorry for your terrible loss, but inspiring to see you channel some of that turmoil into new directions. All the best for your journey this year. Xx

Lisa P. Thank you, learning to focus on the process rather than the end result is a big overall goal for me overall.
Cindysmith, thanks!
Sal thanks for your kind words and for checking out my blog!
torontogirl thank you for your sympathy, it has been and continues to be a journey.