Posting from Manchester while waiting for the train to London. (Manchester City is like living steampunk, with a crazy mix of Victorian and Futuristic architecture side by side in a way that really works! But that is another thread.). Thought I would post my travel capsule and some outfit pics taken along the way.
One pair of grey trousers from pic #1 did not make it into the suitcase, and I brought a black beret as an afterthought that is not pictured. Laundry was done on two occasions and took about 1.5 hrs and £ 10 while DH was at golf. I enjoyed a latte while chatting with the attendant or locals.
Everything got used, except a bathing suit. Everything got equal rotation, though the jeans edged out the black and grey trousers by a few extra wears. The sweaters and leather jacket kept me warm on the cold days, and the T's any the silky shirt were best on the warm days. When it actually got very warm, I was grateful for the silky print shirt. The Ikat (?) jean jacket was perfect as an extra layer when the warmer days turned cool, but not chill enough for the leather one. Of course the trench was good for the (3) rainy days!
The colours were very much inspired by an Angie blog post of grey/ black/blue shortly before the trip. I always felt comfortable, and appropriately dressed...and everything fit in my carry on and weighed under the 22 lb limit. The only change I would make if I was packing again, would be to omit the sheath (worn over a lace blouse) and bring a skirt.
Thanks for looking.
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