My feet have Raynaud’s and are chronically cold so I can usually only wear true sandals when temperatures are in the 80s — which rarely happens where I live. I love this 100% cotton stiff denim dress, but the wide sleeves make toppers difficult. Today is in the low 70s so I thought I would give the sock idea a whirl so I can get more wear out of my sandals.

What I learned: 100% cotton socks slip around. They also don’t provide sufficient warmth for me with sandals. I am headed in a few minutes to try on my oxfords. Getting the sock height is tricky.

On Sunday, I plan to try my stretchy polka dot socks with a different pair of sandals and a different heavy denim dress.

ETA: Now with oxfords. I hate the bunching socks. Nothing ventured; nothing gained.

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