Hi All

I have two sides to my style and these four outfits show it quite well.

1. Summer work - on a Friday. Minimalist in colour, pattern and accessories.
2. Haircut and errands day -
I also wore the dress to a holiday party with my yellow mules two nights later. Classic and feminine.
3. Work and then no time to transition to a meal out with girlfriends which I went to on an electric scooter. Different but it looks like the same sort of wardrobe to 1. I actually wanted to change but transport and time meant it wasn’t feasible.
4. Wedding! A lovely happy day with a beach ceremony.. Much more similar to 2.

I think these all fit my descriptors of breezy and elegant - and three have an element of boldness - I am not sure the denim in 3 is bold although I wore the bright bag.

And I think potentially any of the Charlie’s Angels could have worn these - my moniker is Grown Up Charlie’s Angel for those newer to the forum. They are not strongly 1970s but I think the mood is there.

Does anyone else feel they can dress as their style moniker in quite different and contrasting ways?

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