Thank you all for your comments. I think I'm going to keep the Levi's as is and wear them with flats when I volunteer since I think I have enough crop blue denim right now.
Brooklyn, you're right, the red sweater outfit is a bit 70's and I like it too. I'm also really liking the pink & olive combo, I have a pink t-shirt I'm going to try next.
Delurked, Leopard is my favorite print.
Sterling, I have compared my old cashmere quality to the current JCrew ,and other cashmere, quality. My old cashmere wins but I don't know if it is a fair apples to apples comparison. This particular sweater was a very expensive sweater that I bought end of season and on a ridiculous sale. So it started at a much higher retail price, not that price always means it's better quality.
RobinF, olive is tough for me too. YLF is full of great inspiration. Hope to see your olive soon.
Joy, thanks for the reminder about nude hose. I should pick up a pair just in case.
Lisa & shedev, I also liked the red cardigan and am going to try it with white denim next time.
LisaP, 'twisted preppy' is my life!!! I love it and I'm adding it as a style moniker. I gave up on jewelry for a long time because I just don't ever get it quite right. By the time I figure out everything else in my outfit I'm too exhausted.
Angie, I have a pair of Paige Hidden Hills that I could try with the pink sweater. Thanks for the tip on stripes, I'll keep my eyes open for low contrast. You missed Ginger photo bombing my olive jacket outfit.
Maneera, red is one of my happy colors, my SO even commented on it.