One of my middle school students saw me in the hall yesterday and said “I didn’t know a school counselor could wear leather !” I said “well it is faux but wear what I like.” She looked at me with wonder and said “ I love it! And your earrings you have a whole biker thing going on”
It was so cute and such a moment where kids realize wow she is actually a person!
Made my day!

My sneakers also came in handy while counseling a kid in distress who kept looking at my sneakers and giggling. Said they couldn’t help but smile when they looked at them. (3 is my sparkly sneakers in front of my sequined pillows in my office.. the kids (and adults ) love to play with them. So soothing .

Also I was late to the party but I love these Eileen Fisher legging skirt things. So comfy .

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