All your kind, wise comments overwhelm me. About the sleeve question. I ended up wearing the sleeves own this time for extra warmth. The sunshine was deceiving and the air was frigid outside and in the building.
Suz, as I get older, I'm liking the lighter neutrals more for a softer look and as a change from the sea of black. We went to the symphony on a cold night and I'm not exaggerating that at least two thirds of the women...all ages...were wearing black pants.
Debbie, I could never live up to your fabulous honed style. Thank you.
Karmyk, the dress is Connected Apparel from a women's clothing store called Saffees from over a year ago. At the time I bought it I had a hard time deciding between this on and the same ombré style in purple. I never noticed the cowl drape mirrors my head shape. What fun! And how observant of you.
Liz and Pame,thank you for your encouragement. The ombré dress has worked out better than I ever expected.
Celia, E and Windchime, I liked the cuffs showing too and will definitely do that on a warmer day. Windchime, you were right. Warmth triumphed.
Ornella, you are sweet. I've been involved with this about 30 years and we noticed that our "clients" were often very shy and dressing down made us more approachable. We use about 3000 volunteers just at holiday time and some come all dressed up in festive outfits with lots of jewelry and furs, talking to each other about the expensive restaurant they will go to when their shift is over in front of the people they are there to serve...those whose sons are sharing a coat and to whom shopping is so strange an experience that they pick out gifts and even food for their families and themselves with great difficulty.
Niefern, thank you for the kind words.
Angie, your encouragement keeps me trying new-to-me looks and ways to wear what I have. I'm loving wearing white jeans this winter because, as much as I like them, our spring season for white jeans is very short.
Sarah, thank you for mentioning your favorites. That black sweater dress is very dark and a change for me. The duster and scarf and my hair help lighten things up, something I need to be more conscious of. I'm glad that you pointed that out.
Shirley, I love that you feel these looks are sophisticated! You made my day!
Amy, thank you for sharing your childhood story. It is very helpful to get that perspective.
Pil and Shevia, thank you for giving me a big boost of confidence.