JAileen - Thanks! The peacoat adds a dash of smartness to every outfit
ChristeIJ - Thanks ! I love the combo of cream and brown. I don't have much of either, but am going to add more as items become available.
kellygirl - thanks! My OTKs are my favourite things. Wearing them daily!
Gretchen - Thanks! It's not always easy to remember to get the outfit pics, but they're informative, and they actually motivate me to try new outfits.
Vix - Thanks! I've been on the wavy hair community and they're very supportive. The best thing I have done is to only co-wash, and also to wet my hair every morning. It takes some trial and error to get a system that works. If I spent more time, I could get better curls, but I can't do more than 15 mins in the am. Also, the other best thing has been to get a good haircut based on my hairdresser's recommendation. She's a curly hair specialist. She told me to NOT do layers, which was completely counter-intuitive, but really works. How is your hair going? Are you doing the curly hair method of co-washing etc?
LaPed - Thanks! I love that tweedy coat. It is the perfect straight a-line and the texture really adds a lot to every outfit.
Roxanna - Thanks! It's hard to keep a house clean and tidy, and so I let some things go. Good to know the sweater and OTKs work - that's basically my only silhouette for cold winter (as well as skirts).
Taylor - Thanks for the OTK love!
Brooklyn - Ha, I was going for an air of non-chalance with that photo. Now I do admit that I need to work on the background, lighting, makeup...everything else. Yes, I could wear slimmer footwear with that longer skirt. And I do that indoors, and it's ok, but it still feels too covered up when I also have to wear a sweater. Maybe a more body-con sweater. I will revisit this look.
Sal - Coffee is an important part of my life
Lisa p - I left out a bunch of info in the original post, due to posting too quickly!. I would re-write it, but it's out there now. SO anyway, the brownish/green OTK boots in most of the pictures are not my sock boots, you are correct.
The sock boots are only in photos 4, 5. The reason the sock boots were a 'fail' is because I didn't end up wearing them in yesterday's outfit (last two photos). There are other layers to add about how this post got so mangled, but I'll spare you. Hopefully the above explanation clarifies things for you a bit.
Rachylou -
Thanks! The OTKs are not the sock boots. Sorry for the confusion. Please see explanation above to lisa p for deets.
shevia - Thanks Shevia. Great to know the hair looks good both ways.